Have You Been Apprised?
Boris Yeltsin's cellular structure is so infused with vodka, he will decompose slower than Lenin, even if you left Yeltsins' body out in the street. It's true!
The customer is, in actuality, always wrong. And when they're not wrong, they're lying. It's true!
When black children get diarrhea, they think they're melting! It's true!
The almighty sarlacc from Return of the Jedi can swallow a jawa sandcrawler whole. It's true!
Your grandma just pissed herself while a masturbating orderly watched. Also, she can't even remember who you are. It's true!
A scorpion will always sting a frog, even in mid-transit across a pond. It's true!
Aliens only visit earth in secret because they're jewish. It's true!
The reason there is so many pedophiles is because there is so many sexy children. It's true!
John Diefenbakers' first Minister of Foreign Affairs was a giant vulture that was said to look into mens' souls, guzzle tequila like nobodies' business, and fart on command. It's true!
The worst thing in the world to be prison cellmates with is a fire elemental. It's true!
Archduke Franz Ferdinand was shot and killed while test driving Skeletors' "Land Shark" vehicle. It had an open roof. It's true!
Now you know! For more details, try looking on the internet.
The customer is, in actuality, always wrong. And when they're not wrong, they're lying. It's true!
When black children get diarrhea, they think they're melting! It's true!
The almighty sarlacc from Return of the Jedi can swallow a jawa sandcrawler whole. It's true!
Your grandma just pissed herself while a masturbating orderly watched. Also, she can't even remember who you are. It's true!
A scorpion will always sting a frog, even in mid-transit across a pond. It's true!
Aliens only visit earth in secret because they're jewish. It's true!
The reason there is so many pedophiles is because there is so many sexy children. It's true!
John Diefenbakers' first Minister of Foreign Affairs was a giant vulture that was said to look into mens' souls, guzzle tequila like nobodies' business, and fart on command. It's true!
The worst thing in the world to be prison cellmates with is a fire elemental. It's true!
Archduke Franz Ferdinand was shot and killed while test driving Skeletors' "Land Shark" vehicle. It had an open roof. It's true!
Now you know! For more details, try looking on the internet.