The Real Deal
The problem with everything is advertising these days. Where can you go without some huckster or another trying to exchange their goods or services for your hard earned cash?
The answer, of course, is nowhere. Which is a pretty frustrating situation. It is said that once you leave the home, you lose 90% of your ability to control your environment. That is really saying something when you realise just how little control you have over your own home environment. I mean, you can't keep advertising out of your home. In fact, when you think about it, most kinds of advertising are distributed through mediums designed to get into your personal dwelling structure. It has been this way a long time.
It all began way back when newsprint was the hot new thing. Previously, advertising had been limited to outdoor campaigns; giant billboards, people on street corners shouting stuff at you, and such. The advent of the newspaper, however, provided the first opportunity for advertising to come home with you and violate the sanctity of your private domain. It probably began innocuously at first; an ad for ginger beer here, men's hats there. But take a look at your modern newpaper and you'll see it is chalk full o' ads, often where the big stories of the day should be. I mean, who wants to see "diapers half off" right next to the latest political scandal? The answer is pedophiles. But what paper, if it be of of good reputation, caters to such a market?
It only got worse when radio reared it's ugly, talking head. At least with the papers, you could still get the full story even if you were somehow able to pay no heed to the advertisements. But with radio, whole families gathered 'round the noise box to listen to this week's exciting episode of Fibber McGee and Molly. The thing is, you got to sit through all the commercials if you don't want to run the risk of missing the part where stuff falls out of the closet.
Then television came along and took it to a whole other level. Now images and movement could assault you alongside the auditory component. And the worst part is that even though T.V. might be the new principle form of advertising, newpapers and radios are still regularly making their insidious ways into people's abodes.
When Al Gore invented the internets, selfish, forward thinking capitalists rubbed their hands together in the manner of crickets. The chirping could be heard by dogs as much as 15 miles away. They had much to look forward to, as we all now know, as advertising is rampant on the information super highway. Unlike the other mediums, however, you can easily make your own contributions to the internet, and thusly you're making it possible for the problem to get worse. Just look at what happened to me.
Today I come along, looking forward to reading the comments on my blog and maybe composing an update for today. Imagine my horror when I discover that a villain by the name of Waseem Sindhu has left comments on the last six of my updates. The problem is not that his name is Waseem Sindhu, or that he's from Pakistan, or that he left six comments. The problem is that all six were advertisements for his twenty two blogs about money and the internet.
If you look at the comments on my blog now, you won't find any from Mr. Sindhu... I took the liberty of deleting them. It's bad enough when you get so many computer generated advertisements in the guise of "anonymous", but those are okay because they artificially bulk up the number of comments and make you look popular. Also, if they really bug you, then they are easily defeated via the word verification option. I personally do not use the word verification for fear of alienating the lazy and the stupid, which is the demographic I most appeal to. And since I'm just about to slip off the bottom of the "blogs of note" list, I've got to do everything I can to hold on to my audience. I won't go back to single digits... I can't. I'll smash a watermelon first. I'm serious.
But Waseem Sindhu can't be stopped by word verification. He is a man who cannot see that art is taking shape here. He sees only another place to ply his wares and corrode with his capitalism. To you, sir, I say; You offend me. Good Day.
That's the Real Deal.
The answer, of course, is nowhere. Which is a pretty frustrating situation. It is said that once you leave the home, you lose 90% of your ability to control your environment. That is really saying something when you realise just how little control you have over your own home environment. I mean, you can't keep advertising out of your home. In fact, when you think about it, most kinds of advertising are distributed through mediums designed to get into your personal dwelling structure. It has been this way a long time.
It all began way back when newsprint was the hot new thing. Previously, advertising had been limited to outdoor campaigns; giant billboards, people on street corners shouting stuff at you, and such. The advent of the newspaper, however, provided the first opportunity for advertising to come home with you and violate the sanctity of your private domain. It probably began innocuously at first; an ad for ginger beer here, men's hats there. But take a look at your modern newpaper and you'll see it is chalk full o' ads, often where the big stories of the day should be. I mean, who wants to see "diapers half off" right next to the latest political scandal? The answer is pedophiles. But what paper, if it be of of good reputation, caters to such a market?
It only got worse when radio reared it's ugly, talking head. At least with the papers, you could still get the full story even if you were somehow able to pay no heed to the advertisements. But with radio, whole families gathered 'round the noise box to listen to this week's exciting episode of Fibber McGee and Molly. The thing is, you got to sit through all the commercials if you don't want to run the risk of missing the part where stuff falls out of the closet.
Then television came along and took it to a whole other level. Now images and movement could assault you alongside the auditory component. And the worst part is that even though T.V. might be the new principle form of advertising, newpapers and radios are still regularly making their insidious ways into people's abodes.
When Al Gore invented the internets, selfish, forward thinking capitalists rubbed their hands together in the manner of crickets. The chirping could be heard by dogs as much as 15 miles away. They had much to look forward to, as we all now know, as advertising is rampant on the information super highway. Unlike the other mediums, however, you can easily make your own contributions to the internet, and thusly you're making it possible for the problem to get worse. Just look at what happened to me.
Today I come along, looking forward to reading the comments on my blog and maybe composing an update for today. Imagine my horror when I discover that a villain by the name of Waseem Sindhu has left comments on the last six of my updates. The problem is not that his name is Waseem Sindhu, or that he's from Pakistan, or that he left six comments. The problem is that all six were advertisements for his twenty two blogs about money and the internet.
If you look at the comments on my blog now, you won't find any from Mr. Sindhu... I took the liberty of deleting them. It's bad enough when you get so many computer generated advertisements in the guise of "anonymous", but those are okay because they artificially bulk up the number of comments and make you look popular. Also, if they really bug you, then they are easily defeated via the word verification option. I personally do not use the word verification for fear of alienating the lazy and the stupid, which is the demographic I most appeal to. And since I'm just about to slip off the bottom of the "blogs of note" list, I've got to do everything I can to hold on to my audience. I won't go back to single digits... I can't. I'll smash a watermelon first. I'm serious.
But Waseem Sindhu can't be stopped by word verification. He is a man who cannot see that art is taking shape here. He sees only another place to ply his wares and corrode with his capitalism. To you, sir, I say; You offend me. Good Day.
That's the Real Deal.
the real deal with bill mcneal has nothin on you man.
Look at it all!!!Woe is me!!!!!!!
What surprises me is that there are enough half-witted shit-fer-brains people out there that click on these stupid ads to justify the ad placers to go ahead and keep posting! Otherwise why would they do it?
Please tell me where can I find more material -----------------------------------------------------------------------------order-meridia rx
I have problems concentrating at work, so I'll keep reading even when you fall off the list. Except when you write about robots.
doesn't surprise me. all you communists are depressed. try getting out in the sun sometimes. it will do wonders for the mind.
Pipe down, McCarthy. There's no advertising in communism.
Dear Mr. Doob,
I had just this afternoon lamented this same thing...except what I said kinda sucked once I read yours. Well said. But I'm leaving the spam on mine too so it looks like at least one person read it. Ha ha. Heidi
you got owned by all those advertisements good sir
Dammit Sealclubber! That was my obscure reference in his blog to comment on.
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Not to be so off-topic, but I wanted to say that my dad and I used to listen to Fibber McGee and Molly all the time. Fibber was such a scoundral and his passive wife, Molly, always took it. Mayor Latrivia was a wee bit of a douchebag as well.
My dad's an asshole.
I read one blog post where someone wrote this heart-broken post about how her dog had been poisoned and died, and som insensitive [CENSORED] posted "Hey! Great Blog! Loved it!" while another posted an advertisement. *growls*
I hate blog spam, perhpas more than anything.. well email spam is pretty high on the list too.. but you get the idea.
I think you will be my random blog to promote today, not that you need it being one of blogers chosen ones.. you earned it!
See my sorry excuse for a blog. and rock on.. oh my how 1984!
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nice blog
Fibber McGee and Molly couldn't hold a candle to Red McGiven and Bullet.
Red knew the evils of advertising. He was a communist.
Gad! Maybe that's why my dreams are so strange. I often fall asleep with the television on because I'm so damn sleep deprived. Maybe I'm being brainwashed into submission.
The Cheesemeister
Regarding "Diapers half off next to the latest political scandal"; this does not go without reason: Politicians are much like diapers. They are changed frequently, and for the same reasons.
Allow me to revise: I meant to say "should be" instead of "are".
Sorry for the tragedy.
What the hell is going on in here?
I think you nailed your target demographic.
excellent blog - good cat experiment!
Maybe the advertizers should inundate this post with fake personals. That way they can still link to their "sites" and maybe someone out there will give them a blowjob.
For example:
Hello, My name is Latka. I am a 13 year old housewife from the planet Minoc-3 (the other two were full) I enjoy candlelit dinners, long walks on the tar and wiping things on the sneeze guard at Sizzler.
If you're interested and would like to know about the new sciences behind belly-button removal try this
you take it or leave it but you have to know that the only sensible secret you can do with your hard earned cash is not to spent it.
I don't know if this happens in Canada, but here in Australia there is a form of telephone spam now, where at around dinner time the land-line starts mysteriously ringing with people with Indian accents (Australian companies set up cheap call centres in countries like India) asking you if you are the owner of the house, and then proceeding to verbally spam you. It is most distressing, especially when they get annoyed at you for trying to cut off their cleverly designed speeches mid-sentence to politley say "sorry, I'm not interested". This guy once barked back, "Why? why aren't you interested?" and I was like god! "None of your business!". He forced me to be rude! Anyway there was an article in the paper recently saying they're going to try and stop it. This world's off. Hey also there's a great little short story on the theme of ads out of control by Haruki Murakami, my fav author. You might like it too.
Oh no! Don't smash a watermelon! That would be a tragic waste.
Is there any dogfood here?
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i found your blog just now while scrolling through the blogs of note, and i'm definitely going to keep reading after it drops off the list.
i hate ads too, but if you think about it, a lot of companies wouldn't make enough of a profit to continue broadcasting/publishing unless they made money from advertisements. but i agree with you--it's getting ridiculous.
Now you listen here you melodramatic fuck! I got kids to feed you know. So, I'm in advertising. So the fuck what?! Do I tell you how to do your job Luxton? What am I talking about? You don't work at all! So on behalf of advertisers everywhere, back the fuck off, shut the fuck up, and let us earn our living you selfish mindless fuck!!
Christ, I can barely swim in all this spammed shit. Yech.
Anyway, it's a goddamn shame about what has happened to media. Our species lives almost entirely in media now, with the concrete world losing substance by the day. Naturally, our money-grubbing instincts have taken over and we now rape the beautiful being that is Information Exchange on a daily basis. The trick is to grit your teeth and take the bullshit, keeping in mind that people are for the most part complete idiots. Misanthropy and liquor, that's the key. Hang onto those two and you may live to see tomorrow.
randy, nobody wants you to live. so there.
Dear Jamie S. Luxton III,
I perused your post (The Real Deal) with much interest as I was looking for ways to buy and sell company construction mn road. Unfortunately your article was not exactly what I was looking for
company construction mn road. But luckily there is a site I have found that allows you to buy and sell anything like company construction mn road on interest free credit and you can pay for your company construction mn road whenever you want. Here's the link one more time: company construction mn road.
Dear Jamie S. Luxton III,
I perused your post (The Real Deal) with much interest as I was looking for ways to buy and sell how to repair a road bicycle. Unfortunately your article was not exactly what I was looking for
how to repair a road bicycle. But luckily there is a site I have found that allows you to buy and sell anything like how to repair a road bicycle on interest free credit and you can pay for your how to repair a road bicycle whenever you want. Here's the link one more time: how to repair a road bicycle.
Dear Jamie S. Luxton III,
I perused your post (The Real Deal) with much interest as I was looking for ways to buy and sell georgia highway construction. Unfortunately your article was not exactly what I was looking for
georgia highway construction. But luckily there is a site I have found that allows you to buy and sell anything like georgia highway construction on interest free credit and you can pay for your georgia highway construction whenever you want. Here's the link one more time: georgia highway construction.
The audience than you are aiming at, Mr. Randy, is not Mr. Luxtons fanbase. (No one will click on your shit) and damn do you use that mouth to kiss your wife and kids with, man? Target Audience Target Audience Target Audience Get it man? Who the hell wants to buy construction mountain roads anyway? Your target audience.
Just a piece of advice, Mr. Randy, don't go blowin' your stack man, take it easy, calm, calm, calm, calmer, calmest, cheetoes, breathe, Doritoes, breathe, eat a whole pizza if you want to, breathe, and lighten the hell up. Damn man, your gonna give yourself a heart attack or somethin'. Then you won't be able to get some dudes to buy you constuction roads, or repaired road bikes or whatever it is you sell. Love is in a Pizza Hutt box, maybe get some wings with your order. Shit...CHILL OUT!!! Enjoy Life!!!
Hey I agree 100% agree with the last few comments. This blog has great opinions and this is why I continue to visit, thanks! ##link#
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